Friday, November 19, 2010

More Fall Mushrooms

Ramaria sp.

Ramaria gelatinosa var. oregonensis

Hericium abietis


Ascocoryne sarcoides

Ramariopsis kunzei

A potentially rare Phaeocollybia sp.

Working in Mt. Jefferson Wilderness

Scot and I hiked 20+ miles in one day to survey for fungi near Carl Lake in Mt. Jefferson Wilderness.

Cascade Fungi from September/October

Clavaria purpurea

Cortinarius traganus

Suillus sp.

Gomphus clavatus

Clavariadelphus truncatus

Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

At Work

Dicamptodon tenebrosus (Coastal Giant Salamander)

Mushroom Season Begins

Geastrum saccatum

Gomphus floccosus

Leccinum aurantiacum

Boletus mirabilis

Boletus erythropus

And the largest Boletus edulis I've ever seen!

Saturday, September 4, 2010



A couple of quite rare plants.

Frasera umpquaensis

Epilobium luteum

Some flowers

This blog will inevitably contain more photos of flowers, since that is kind of what I do now!

Erigeron sp.

Lupinus sp.

Acontium columbianum

Lilium washingtonianum

Clarkia amoena

Pedicularis racemosa

Saturday, May 15, 2010

East Side Morels

Finally went east today. It was a beautiful day, but only an ok haul.

Friday, April 16, 2010

A few riparian morels

I've never really searched for morels under the cottonwoods. I've found a few so far this year. I'm hoping I'm just early. I found one that was growing from a log.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

FInally got out this spring.

Found a few mushrooms to begin the Spring season. Mostly Verpa bohemica. The Ganoderma applanatum were on a huge cottonwood stump (Populus trichocarpa).